Swiss Magic Masters 2022

Veröffentlicht am Schlagwörter ,

SMM 2022 was a great experience. Read about the Top 8 of Modern, Legacy and Limited, find decklists and some impressions.

Full house at the Kubus: All main events have reached their capacity. We had 3 great tournaments, lots of nice chats and not to forget, good food & drinks.

Modern Tournament

On Saturday, the focus was on the Modern main event. 173 players filled the event hall. No less than 8 rounds of swiss were needed to determine the top 8. After a short break to spend their top 8 CPs, the players came together to determine who would get the right to call themselves „Modern Swiss Magic Master“ and win some booster boxes on top of that.

Final standings after the top 8. Decklists are published on MTGTOP8

Congratulations to Andreas Sigrist, who sneaked Archon of Cruelty out of his deck for the win. You can find the top 8 decklists on MTGTOP8.

Winner Andreas Sigrist (left) and finalist Max Zermin (right)

Both finalists also earned a bye for RelicFest in Toulouse.

Limited Tournament

Limited capacity was 64 players, to avoid having to play too many rounds. As this was a competitive event, players had to register their pool and deck – for many this was the first time playing an event with competitive rule enforcement level.

Thanks to the sponsoring from, we have been able to deliver the sealed pool in nice deckboxes.

After 6 rounds, we had a top 8 who would determine the „Limited Swiss Magic Master“ in a draft. The top 8 players where:

1. Stefan Franz
2. Daniel Zurmühle
3./4. Hannes Mauch
3./4. Michael Schlegel
5./8. Samuel Marti
5./8. Elias Ingold
5./8. Christian Oronez
5./8. Jonas Rudin

Winner Stefan Franz (left) and finalist Daniel Zurmühle (right)
Thanks to our sponsor Ultimate Guard to provide deck boxes for the top 8 players.

Legacy Tournament

While not quite reaching the record of 115 players of SMM 2019, 98 players made this still into a huge legacy tournament, probably the largest in Switzerland this year. After 7 rounds, the top 8 was set:

Final standings after the top 8. Decklists are published on MTGTOP8

Congratulations to Pascal Richter, who made a lot of mana with Cloudpost and friends to cast some crazy Eldrazi monsters. Find the top 8 decklists on MTGTOP8.

Legacy winner Pascal Richter (left) and finalist Alec Hochstrasser (right)

Legacy also has an international event called European Legacy Masters. This invitation-only tournament will take place in December in Bologna. The winner of Swiss Magic Masters qualifies to take one of the 4 seats for Switzerland. Because Pascal can not go to Bologna on that weekend, finalist Alec Hochstrasser will join the Swiss delegation to the tournament.
Both finalists also get a bye for RelicFest in Toulouse.

Thank you

A big thank you to all the people who made the event possible: To the Aareboge SMM OK members who started meeting at the beginning of the year to plan the event. To the helpers who volunteered their time to set the Kubus up for the event on Friday and to put everything back on Sunday evening. To the catering team who provided everybody with tasty food, coffee in the morning and beers and other beverages in the evening. To our sponsors Ultimate Guard and for providing additional prices. To the card traders CardCouncil, GoodGames Bern, Relic TCG, Zwergenschmiede and Xpyrami New Arts who provided great offers to use the CP from the tournaments, or to just buy with cash.

And last but not least, thanks to all the players who came to play in one of the tournaments, or just to visit and chat with people, look at the vendors booths or have a drink.


Reto Bürgin hat viele schöne Fotos gemacht am Samstag. Eindrücke von den Swiss Magic Masters:


David ist begeisterter Drafter und Modern Spieler und hat spass, Tiny Leader Decks zu brewen. Er organisiert die Drafts in der Brass.

Wegen seinem Beruf in der Web-Entwicklung liess er sich überreden, diese Webseite zu betreiben.

Autor: David

David ist begeisterter Drafter und Modern Spieler und hat spass, Tiny Leader Decks zu brewen. Er organisiert die Drafts in der Brass. Wegen seinem Beruf in der Web-Entwicklung liess er sich überreden, diese Webseite zu betreiben.

Ein Gedanke zu „Swiss Magic Masters 2022“

  1. Bitte entschuldigen Sie mein Deutsch.

    Insgesamt fand ich das Turnier sehr gut organisiert. Wenn ich 2 negativen Aspekte finden musste, wären sie die folgenden :
    – die Webseite war keine angenehme Variante für die Pairings und Resultate. Vielleicht eine App kann eine gute Lösung für nächstes Jahr sein ;
    – wir hatten kaum Zeit zu essen (30 min hätten gereicht).

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