Swiss Magic Masters 2023

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Back to the roots – this years SMM was at the Jungfraupark Interlaken just like the first SMM in 2018.

Pokale der SMM 2023 auf der SMM Playmat

The Kubus in Bern really reached its limits in 2022, therefore we looked for a larger location. We came back to Jungfraupark Interlaken, the Venue of the very first Swiss Magic Masters in 2018.

On Saturday, we had the Modern Main Event and on Sunday Legacy, Limited and for the first time also cEDH. Lets look at each of those tournaments a bit.


This year marked a new record: We had 192 players in the Modern tournament! After 8 rounds, we had a top 8 that played the final matches to determine the „Modern Swiss Magic Master“. Andreas Sigrist did a first: He defended his title and is Master for the second year in a row, with the strong Rakdos Scam deck!

Final standings after top 8. Decklists of the top 16 results are published on MTGTOP8.

Congratulations to Andreas Sigrist for this outstanding feat! Rapperswil has some strong Modern players. Find the decklists for the top finishers on MTGTOP8.

Winner Andreas Sigrist (right) with finalist Sam Marti


Sealed with Wilds of Eldraine gathered a large crowd, also setting a record for the largest limited tournament at SMM. 75 players competed for the trophy.

After 7 rounds of sealed, the top 8 draft could start. Final standings in the top 8 are:

1. Thomas Gobeli
2. Chris Rothen
3/4. Samuel Eberhard
3/4. Navin Sureskumaran
5-8. Tony Marty
5-8. Daniel Zurmühle
5-8. Michael Schlegel
5-8. Matteo Busi

Limited winner Thomas Gobeli (right) with finalist Chris Rothen.

Congratulations to Master of Limited Thomas Gobeli, showing (together with Chris and Navin) that Bern is doing strong in Limited! Nice Tundra you got there 🙂


Legacy at the start of round 1

The legacy tournament had a bit less players than previous years, but is still going strong with 77 players.

Final standings after the top 8. Decklists are published on MTGTOP8.

Congratulations to Christian Vittoni who took „the initiative“ for the win! He brings the trophy to Ticino. The top 16 decklists are available on MTGTOP8.

Christian Vittoni (left) with finalist Thibaud Zemp.

Legacy also has an international event called European Legacy Masters. The next tournament will be in autumn 2024 and the highest qualifying player who can make that event will get the invitation.

Congratulations also to Sam Marti, who made top 8 in Legacy after getting into the finals of Modern the day before.


We tried something new and offered a competitive EDH tournament for the first time this year. While not as large as other tournaments, we had 33 players playing 4 rounds to start this new format in style. From what we heard, the tournament was a lot of fun, striking a good balance between competition and enjoying the game.

33 players showed up for the first cEDH tournament at the Swiss Magic Masters

The top 4 got to play a final game for the trophy. We are told it was an epic game. In the end, Patrick Zwahlen stood alone with his Tivit, Seller of Secrets deck and can claim the title „cEDH Swiss Magic Master“ for the first time.

Winner Patrick Zwahlen (third from left) with finalists Philippe Müller, Patrick Uebersax and Philipp Wodenitscharow

We published the top 8 decklists that we had available on MTGTOP8.

Swiss Unity League

This year will see the debut of a new top level magic series in Switzerland with the Swiss Unity League. Modern, Legacy and Limited all counted as SUL Premium tournaments, awarding a lot of points to qualify for the invitation.

Side Events

This year, we offered various Drafts (Wilds of Eldraine, Commander Masters and Chaos) as well as the very first Modern trial for SMM 2024 where Xavier Boraley won a bye for next year.

Particularly on Saturday, a lot of people played in the drafts and at the casual commander tables.

The people behind the event

The Judge team at Swiss Magic Masters

Many people helped make this event happen. Thank you to the judges for your hard work to guarantee a fair and sporting tournament. Thank you to the Aareboge organisation comittee who put in a huge effort to make the event happen. Thanks to the helpers who set up and cleaned the Venue.

Partners and Sponsors

Thank you to our sponsors Red Bull for giving us wiiings, to and to Ultimate Guard.

And thanks a lot to our traders Relic TCG, Good Games Bern and CardCouncil for bringing your goods to the SMM. Thank you to the Crew of Jungfraupark Interlaken for hosting us and providing the catering.


Some impressions from Interlaken, pictures taken by Cello, David and various participants.


David ist begeisterter Drafter und Modern Spieler und hat spass, Tiny Leader Decks zu brewen. Er organisiert die Drafts in der Brass.

Wegen seinem Beruf in der Web-Entwicklung liess er sich überreden, diese Webseite zu betreiben.

Autor: David

David ist begeisterter Drafter und Modern Spieler und hat spass, Tiny Leader Decks zu brewen. Er organisiert die Drafts in der Brass. Wegen seinem Beruf in der Web-Entwicklung liess er sich überreden, diese Webseite zu betreiben.